SimSync PRO v3.5 RC1d released

Release Candidate 1d of the next upcoming sync is available here: SimSync PRO – Public Betas

Improvements / Changes against beta 7d:

  • New language: Italian
    Thanks to Stefano Schivari (link) (RC1d)
  • Fix: Password input window “bound” to main window (RC1d)
  • New language: French
    Thanks a lot to Caterkiller (link) (RC1c)
  • Fix: Downloadspeed for Fileindex, etc. increased. (RC1c)
  • New language: Netherlands
    Thanks a lot to Roy Verzijl (link) (RC1b)
  • Bugfix: Errormessage while trying to download the list of files to secure (RC1a)
  • Caching index of gamefiles to secure, so that it isn’t necessary to download on every sync (RC1)
  • Bugfix: Errormessage at the end of the syncronization (RC1)
  • Localization: Usage of compressed language tables to reduce the size of the SimSyncPro.exe. (RC1)
  • Minor bugfixing (RC1)

You want to use SimSync PRO in your native language? Help us translating! >> (link)