We need you!

Hi folks,
we are currently working on the next version of SimSync PRO.
The new version will have plenty of new functions and other improvements and that means that there have been added new language items and others have changed.

We need some guys that help us in translating those items (words and short sentences).

We need translations to spanish , galician , portuguese , french , italian , dutch , swedish , polish and estonian .

If you want to help, copy the text below to a text editor of your choice, write the translation in the line below the english translation and send it via PM to >> Achim <<.
Please do not forget to tell me about the language you have translated to… 😉

If you want to contribute a complete new language, send me a short pm with the language you want to provide and i’ll send you the complete language file for translation.

Simply write the translation in the line under the english sentence.
===================View Readme

View Changelog

Delete series

Select all

Select none

Invert selection

Filter list

Clear filter





Update server password

No server

Successfully updated server password to “{0}”.

Unable to update server password, because no profile could be found!

Update(s) available

Server version: {0}

Local version: {0}

Enlarge serieslist

Reduce serieslist

Filter list

Enter a term to filter the list.\n(Upper- and lowercase will not be taken into account! Wildcards * and ? are allowed.)

Filtering serieslist by: ‘{0}’

Removed serieslist filter

{0} item(s) found

Upable to delete folder ‘{0}’!\nPlease check of the folder is read-only and try again.

File index missing or empty!\nThe file index of the selected series is missing or empty.\nMay be the series is not or not correctly indexed.\nPlease inform the league administration.

Sync locked.\nThe sync has been locked to apply necessary updates (upload of new mods, and so on).\nIt will be soon available again.

Sync deactivated.\nThe sync is deactivated or has been removed.\nPlease inform the league administration.

No series data!\nUnable to load list of available series.\nMay be that there are no series defined, all series deactivated or not indexed correctly.\nPlease inform your league-administration.

The entered password is wrong!

Unable to delete file ‘{0}\{1}’!\nCheck if the file is read-only and try again.

Thanks to William Wangensteen Ponissi from GPVWC for contributing the norwegian translation