ISI has just release the next public build of rFactor 2: Build 298
There’s been some comments about improved framerates from testers, hopefully that experience carries over to our community!
We’ve also started to implement a new constraint system (which is used in the upcoming historic Howston cars), that allows many new physics features, such as chassis flex. Most importantly, this system allows suspension geometry and wheel rates to be more accurate than the old model was able to simulate. This system adds complexity and accuracy, but has already been optimized, with no notable additional CPU usage. Of course older cars will be updated in the future, and new cars will use the new system going forward. Fortunately, it’s quite easy to convert… Documentation will follow.
Release notes:
This includes a new demo version, and new general installers (lite, content).
You can download the newest build also from our site:
rFactor 2 v1.300 DemoBuild (Full installer w/ minimal content): 2 v1.300 LiteBuild (Full installer w/o mods): 2 v1.300 ContentBuild (Full installer w/o mods):