SimSync PRO 8.0.2 released

We have just released SimSync PRO 8.0.2, that fixes some small but annoying issues. SimSync PRO 8.0.2=================* Fixed issue, where the lastlogoff time is missing* Fixed issue with the detection of files and folders to delete or protect* Fixed issue with Steam where a NullReferenceException occured in case a key was missing. If you already Read More

Issues with SimSync PRO 8?

For those encountering issues running the new SimSync PRO 8, there are 3 possible solutions: Delete the file “SimSyncPro.exe.config” and start the SimSyncPro.exe again. The program will find a new “Update” (the previously deleted file) and downloads it. Restart the sync and it should work now. If that didn’t work, click on the download link Read More